Connecting Thoughts...!!!

I Think, therefore I am. As for moi, I am therefore I THINK!

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Location: Bangalore, Karnataka, India

Delicate Delicacy!!!

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Back to waters!!!


In April '08, me and my colleague friends had been to Vembanad... the backwaters of Kerala, a stunning destination... everyone heart's desire. We have done it for business cum pleasure. Our trip has been created to offer the most authentic experience of the picturesque landscape and to frame & shoot Vembanad.


I heard that the 90% of the footages for the promo of Kerala Tourism "God's Own country" is from Vembanad. What a View!


A private (so called) luxury boat with a chauffeur, the luxury Waterways along the canal to en tour to Vembanad lake... at our own pace.BIG enough to seat ALL of us in comfort. We took Cruise... not Tom Cruise... We sail to the base of the brackish water... Row row row the boat has been replaced by vroom vroom vroom the boat, gently to the lake. Merrily merrily merrily...

Private Luxury

Sky high

The habitat... ecology... just another food-chain in the savouring for survival for the taste...


That was my treat.... I'm sure you'll try the local cuisine for lunch...


Let Lady Luck works its magic on you, while I try to recapture the fond memories on my reel. Let it ROLL.
Let's packed up!

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Sunday, February 17, 2008

My Favorite Hobby!!!

Watching movies has been an activity, an interest that I have been tagging along since I had learned to switch on the Tube all by myself. And ever since I have been engaging myself with the so-called Tube primarily for pleasure, gratification, time pass and even as an auxiliary activity with friends and girl friends even though the typecast of the screen has been evolved and changed from the family oldie 'Texla' Television to my current ‘i-pod Nano’. The screen display name has certainly changed and so does my eye fixation onto the display type but the ultimate motto have remained the same, i.e. “to watch movies and videos”. So, very well, it fits to describe "watching movies" as my hobby, may be my favorite hobby. After all a hobby is just an activity or interest pursued outside one's regular occupation and engaged in primarily for pleasure; avec plaisir.

This pleasurable auxiliary activity has also taken me beyond this physical world into the internet and I have been exploring this whole wide world using Internet explorer. In this jaunt I had discovered various hangout and so-called movie-gallery that really suits me and my type of movies. In the real world I am not a movie-goer just because I have been to PVR, IXOX or Multiplex only a countable number of times. But that doesn’t make me any compromise in my pleasurable auxiliary activity of my hobby. Furthermore, the intensity of my movie watching has been increased manifold. The practice of my movie watching lifestyle has taken me to various Fullsceen mode of Divx or Flv player @Dailymotion or @Veoh or @Stage6 or even @Youtube. I had even discovered new planets, a new world in its own called Phaseddl or Rapidshare, a place where you get almost everything you need but not necessarily what you want. And my domain of expertise in watching movies has been expanded from Hollywood, Tamil and Hindi films to European (French), Korean, Japanese Animation especially Ghibli Studios Production. I have been watching movies not only for the love of the art but also for the love of good-movies.

In this legal pirated planet of torrent and rapid share in this peer-to-peer network, limitations exist which is deemed to overcome by premium accounts which only Paypal or credit-card could buy. But thanks to some porn sites (possibly some hackers, white hat or red hat) for enlightening to cheat ones IP address and enabling me to downloads the DDL without any wait continuously. See, porn sites does have intellectual benefits besides being xxx i.e. extraordinary. As a result, I was able to see some of the latest Hollywood buzz even before they were released here in India. Bourne Ultimatum was one among them.

What I was trying to say that watching movie has been my love life favorite hobby and it has become an indistinguishable cultural mark in my ethos of life. The DVD movie set boxes are occupying a majority of my cupboard spaces and the soft-copy of all those dvd-ripped movies had conquered most of my physical HDD spaces (both internal & external). If this is what you called a “Movie Buff” then Yes that’s what I am, a Movie buff and one of the internet site calls me so after I had taken and submitted to their test. This is how the result read as...

Your Movie Buff Quotient: 74%

You are a total movie buff. Classics, blockbusters, indie favorites... you've seen most of them.
Your friends know to come to you whenever they neg. ed a few good DVD rental suggestions.


Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Who Am I? Identity CRYsis...!!!

Who am I? Have you seen this movie which stars Jacky Chan? If not, you better check it out. I kind of enjoyed myself. Besides the fighting and kissing stunts, I enjoy the very theme of the movie; Jacky shouts, “Who am I?” He doesn’t know his real name. He is kind of lost his memory. Do you know what the name of Jacky in the movie was? It was Jacky Chan itself. Well, that’s not the point! The point is who am I? Right, my name is Heisnam Bison Singh.

The first name, my cognomen, kind of sounds like German, doesn’t it? Heisnam… say it again, Heisnam. If you say it repeatedly and faster, at one point of time, it will sound like Heineken!!! See German Heineken. But I ain’t German. Still I kind of like the names… Heisnam Heineken…!!!

The last name is Singh. Don’t look for a turban in the adjacent picture or think of me being a CUT SARD (a sardar who cuts his hair), as is Jagjit Singh!!! I am not a Sikh by any chance even though I happen to have a Rakhi sister who is a Punjaban. It’s a fact, Factual! By the way, Singh is our custom name as is for the Punjabis. The SINGH, for a Punjabi, signifies Sant Shipahi, Saint Soldiers! It was the last Guru, Guru Govind Singh, who wanted to turn the whole community into a group of Sant Shipahi. And as saint usually doesn’t shave the beards or cut his hairs; the community as such started growing beards with long hairs. And to abolish the caste system that existed during those periods, He gave the name SINGH to the whole community. That’s the history of Singh as Sikhs per se. So, it implies that I am not a (Singh) Saint. I am a man just trying to be a BETTER man, wearing a cap, going to Ootacamund (Ooty), and talking to Toda tribes and et cetera et cetera.
‘SINGH’ also signifies a Manipuri and do not misunderstand that they are the lost caste/community of Punjab. They do not look the same. Just take a glance in the above picture and look the (chinkee) eyes and the nose. (He, he, you cannot, because of my photochromic lenses. As I am saying, we have an oriental (chinkee) feature but the Sikh… Have you ever seen an Oriental/CHINKEE SAINT in the Holly/Bolly wood movies? Don’t you think, Nicholas Cage look like a Sikh? After all, he played the role of an angel, a saint. Well, it also reminded me that Stevan Segal was about to play the role of Ram in Ramayana but the project never materialize. Just imagine a CHINKEE playing the role of Ram? And as for the history of SINGH as in Manipuri per se, I am not very sure, unfortunately. As per my intelligence is concerned, (I have to keep digging!@#?), as I dug along with my friends, I came to believe that Manipur was a princely state. Mind you, it was not a kingly state! Otherwise, the QUEEN will get angry! Don’t you know the Queen? The Queen of UNited states of British India! And since there was no king ruling in our motherland i.e. BRITAIN, all the so called rajas/ningthous in the states were treated as Prince, Prince charming! The title of ningthou in Manipuri is Maharajkumar and next to his hierarchy is Rajkumar, which is popularly known as Rasikang or Rang-kouta, so on and so forth. And the praja/people, the beloved of the ningthou, the community as such were given the title of SINGH as a signification of rajputs/ningthouchas just to mark a new distinct identity of this Manipuri community also known as Meitei. This doesn’t mean that we are the self imposed sons of rajas. But we are the SINGH as the last name; by which, very unfortunately, the US Consulates in India doesn’t seem to favour a student/visitor visa with candidates with the last name SINGH!!! Next time, if the embassy denies a VISA, tell them the significance of a Saint "Singh" or a Prince "Singh". By the way, can you tell me now by gazing into the above picture that which 'Singh' is which!
The middle name sounds like the American Wild Buffalo! Hell NO. It is to be read as B(e)SON(as in sons). It is an acronym. B stands for my father’s name as in Bijoy; I stands for my mother’s name as in Itobala; and SON stands for me, I! So it makes the WHOLE me, Bison; the son of his parents. And since my schooling, I have been educating this to all my class teachers. That's what I am. I am a chinkee Indian.

Heisnam Bison SIngh's Facebook profile
